Collection: Coolroom/Frezer Trailers

Fridge & freezer trailers are used in several industries. For example, the fishery, food and event industry for the storage and transportation of fresh foods and beverages. With high-quality GOVI refrigeration systems, these trailers are durable and withstand the tests of time. These trailers connect to a standard towbar and can be set up and ready in a few minutes. This makes it possible to move the trailer from place to place quickly and efficiently without any hassle. The trailer is made of clean and durable materials, which saves time on cleaning and maintenance. So whether you run a business that delivers cold or frozen produce, or you just want a giant towable esky, we have the trailer for you! Fridge Trailers – Cooling Down to 0 ° C Freezer Trailers – Freezing Down to -23 ° C.